Posts in Category 'Food Security'

Think Global, Act Local: Bridging the Gap Between Industrial and Urban Farms Through Cutting Edge Technologies

IoT.ATL Living Labs is an initiative promoting smart farming in urban areas while bringing the community together through education, agriculture, and sustainability. As sponsors of the IoT.ATL Living Labs Challenge, AGCO supports local food security innovations while nurturing the next generation of smart farming advancements.

How Smart Farming Improves Sustainability throughout the Crop Cycle

Sustainability is the driver for the 17 United Nations’ development goals in order to improve global challenges by 2030. Smart farming is the propeller for sustainable agriculture and the key differentiator in solving one of globe’s biggest problems: hunger.

The “Oats” So Simple AGCO Arable Quiz

Are you up to scratch with the latest AGCO brand arable products? Do you think you know the history of arable farming? In this quiz we will be separating the wheat from the chaff as we see who really knows their arable trivia. Remember to share your score with your friends on social. Good Luck!

The Five Key Focus Areas of the AGCO Agriculture Foundation

As the demand for nutrition and especially protein changes, so are our technical and philanthropic solutions. The AGCO Agriculture Foundation is a testament to AGCO’s commitment to support our farmers feeding the world. Our objective is to develop and expand benevolent initiatives that contribute to global food security, support sustainable agriculture development and have a positive footprint in developing countries.