Posts in Category 'AGCO'

Plow Ahead

The last two winters on Prince Edward Island have been epic. Just ask Jamie Fox, who not only lives on PEI, but owns a truck stop that—no matter the depth of the snow—he keeps open 24/7. How does he do...


By Nyasha Mudukuti, AGCO Africa Ambassador 2016 ‘Okay, the mic is set Nyasha, are you ready?’…. l looked at the AGCO team and simply nodded, l could feel my adrenaline level rising up. Just across me stood Jean Kaahwa, AGCO...

Tale of the Tape

Stretching from South Dakota down to Texas, the Ogallala Aquifer has helped turn the land it irrigates into some of the world’s most agriculturally productive. Yet many farmers, researchers and others are concerned about recent signs that the aquifer is...