

FarmLife is AGCO’s award-winning magazine and digital content program, serving the company’s customers in the U.S. and Canada with stories, videos, and more. Topics covered include agriculture and homesteading, featuring stories about farmers and their families, the rural lifestyle, as well as best practices and other advice readers can put to use in the field and at home. Please see below for blog articles written by our FarmLife authors, and visit for more.

Purpose-Built Power

In most instances, compromise is a good thing. That’s not necessarily true, however, when you are talking about agricultural engines. According to Matt Rushing, AGCO director of product management for global engines and global electronics, nearly every company but AGCO...

Farm Fusion

When all four of Paul and Rosemary Gingue’s sons wanted to join the family dairy business, the family was presented with a problem. The business wasn’t big enough to support the livelihoods of all four sons. So they made room...

A Farm With A View

The 40-acre Windmist Farm’s location—on the busy corridor between Boston and the suburbs of southern Connecticut—makes it ideal for many of the Northeast’s discerning foodies. The cars on North Road will often slow down just a bit to take in...