Bernard Geschke, Program Specialist with Progressive Agriculture Foundation, has been actively involved with Progressive Agriculture Safety Days® since the program was founded in 1995. He presently is responsible for annual training of more than 450 Safety Day coordinators. All together, Bernard brings more than 18 years of farm safety knowledge and experience to the Progressive Agriculture Foundation.
Bernard is a member of the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health (ISASH, previously known as the National Institute for Farm Safety). Whether he’s working in a classroom or training in the field, you can always count on Bernard to greet you with a warm smile and friendly “Hello.” In his spare time, Bernard enjoys relaxing with friends and family at the lake. He has three children with his wife of 35 years, Cindy.
Latest Posts from Bernard Geschke
Question: When someone is overcome by manure gases, it is important for you to get that person out of the area as quickly as possible. True or False? Answer: False. As animal wastes break down, several gases are produced. These...
On the farm, it is always important to lead by example. Young children rely on guardians to supervise their activities to help develop an understanding of what dangers are and how to avoid them. Do you think that your children...
AGCO is a proud sponsor of the Progressive Agriculture Foundation’s (PAF) Safety Day® program, including their website, (see previous post). PAF’s mission is to provide education and training to make farm, ranch and rural life safer and healthier for children and...
Hi! My name is Bernard Geschke, Program Specialist with Progressive Agriculture Foundation. I have been actively involved with Progressive Agriculture Safety Days® since the program was founded in 1995. I am presently responsible for annual training of more than 450...