Happy International Youth Day!

  When looking to build a better future for our world, it is only practical that we consider our world’s youth. Plain and simple, the youth of the world are the world’s future. In December of 1999, the United Nations...

Happy International Youth Day!

  When looking to build a better future for our world, it is only practical that we consider our world’s youth. Plain and simple, the youth of the world are the world’s future. In December of 1999, the United Nations...


When looking to build a better future for our world, it is only practical that we consider our world’s youth. Plain and simple, the youth of the world are the world’s future. In December of 1999, the United Nations officially declared August 12th as International Youth Day(IYD).

IYD seeks to highlight good practices in developing and expanding successful partnerships with people. This year’s theme is “Building a better world—partnering with our youth.” The UN is encouraging organizations to form partnerships with the youth. Some encouraged areas of partnership are employment, education, and entrepreneurship.

This summer, I was given an opportunity to intern with AGCO from May to early August.

As my final week as an intern comes to a close, I have had some time to look back on my experience with the internship program. In doing this, I have been able to reflect upon what the program meant to myself and the other interns. Whether it is your first time holding a job, or if you have been in the corporate setting before, the AGCO internship program gives you a chance to better understand the synergies between business, education and employment. My time as an intern has been a great experience. With access to various people and resources, it has given me a hands-on opportunity to apply my education and further develop the skills I will need to be successful in the labor force, and add value to my community.
Partnerships such as the one AGCO has with its interns are instrumental in providing youth with continued education and development. The boys and girls that compose our world’s youth today will eventually be the men and women making our world’s biggest decisions. This is why it is important that they receive support from people and organizations globally.
The U.N wants to hear your thoughts and recommendations about effective ways to support our young people. If you want to offer your thoughts or share your success stories, email them at youth@un.org!


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