The World’s Longest Yacht Race – Heather’s Update 5

Heating up on deck … And I thought Georgia was hot!!! Today, the wind has seemed to stop. Clipper has turned into an inch-a-thon. The water state is quite calm, with very little movement. At least we can see that...

The World’s Longest Yacht Race – Heather’s Update 5

Heating up on deck … And I thought Georgia was hot!!! Today, the wind has seemed to stop. Clipper has turned into an inch-a-thon. The water state is quite calm, with very little movement. At least we can see that...

Heating up on deck … And I thought Georgia was hot!!!

Today, the wind has seemed to stop. Clipper has turned into an inch-a-thon. The water state is quite calm, with very little movement. At least we can see that we’re not alone, and it helps to feel like we’re still racing when we can see the competition just a couple miles away…even if we’re not exactly speeding along.

No wind up top means no air circulation down below. The heat is quite stifling and it is hard to think. I lie in my bunk and just sweat. And this is just the beginning! On deck we have to take turns with the various tasks as they are rarely in the shade and some of us are more prone to burn than to tan…

It is quite difficult to function in the heat. It makes the tasks all the more difficult.

We are learning to cope with things that are outside of our control and make the best of the situation. Thankfully, attitudes of the crew are still positive. I know that can be difficult in extreme situations (and heat), and it makes me very thankful for the people we have on board.

PS: I did get to see a whale! …or at least a tail and a spout. Success.


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