Fendt Field Days a Success
While we in North America were at Farm Progress Show last week, Fendt Germany was busy with their famous “Fendt Field Days” in Wadenbrunn, Germany. The legendary celebration welcomed more than 50,000 visitors and shared exciting new technologies from the Marktoberdorf-based plant. Shown...
Fendt Field Days a Success
While we in North America were at Farm Progress Show last week, Fendt Germany was busy with their famous “Fendt Field Days” in Wadenbrunn, Germany. The legendary celebration welcomed more than 50,000 visitors and shared exciting new technologies from the Marktoberdorf-based plant. Shown...
Shown in operation are more than 100 Fendt tractors and Fendt harvesting machines from 100 to 650 hp as well as 130 other implements. However, the stars of the show were the introduction of the new 939 Vario with 390 horsepower and the long-awaited Fendt Kantana 65 forage harvester. I’ll share more about the forage harvester in tomorrows blog post so stay tuned!