Browse the Summer 2018 Issue of Performance Agronomy
The latest issue of Performance Agronomy offers expert advice that will insure success, both during harvest this year and planting next spring. Check out these stories on pre-harvest planning and maintenance, crop residue management, field preparation and more.

Browse the Summer 2018 Issue of Performance Agronomy
The latest issue of Performance Agronomy offers expert advice that will insure success, both during harvest this year and planting next spring. Check out these stories on pre-harvest planning and maintenance, crop residue management, field preparation and more.Browse the Performance Agronomy digital edition online or view each article below.
Harvest More Than Grain
Take full advantage of your combine’s capabilities with a little pre-harvest planning and maintenance. Here are tips for making the most of each pass during harvest, allowing you to preserve grain quality and yield, while also protecting soil health and reaping a wealth of data to help you succeed in 2019 and beyond. Read More >>
Turn Trash To Treasure
If a plant grows where it’s not wanted, we call it a weed. When crop residue gets in our way in the spring, we call it trash. But if we manage our crop residue from the time it leaves the back of the combine, there are rewards to reap. Read More >>
Back To The Basics
With all the choices in tillage equipment available to producers today, it might be easy to overlook tried-and-true tools such as disc harrows and field cultivators. Learn the agronomic benefits these tools offer for field preparation and residue management, and how they can help maximize your yield potential. Read More >>
Largest Capacity, Less Compaction
Want to plant up to 300 acres without stopping to refill your seed tank? With the largest seed and fertilizer capacity—on the industry’s best track system—the new White PlantersTM9924VE planter allows you to get in the field earlier and plant more acres per day with less compaction. Read More >>
Cleanout Is Crucial
Issues with off-target dicamba injury have continued in 2018. Because of that, it’s all the more important that we don’t inadvertently spray our non-tolerant crops with product left in the sprayer’s tank. This need for thorough cleanout is one of the reasons AGCO®designed the new RoGator®C Series with the all-new LiquidLogic™ system. Read More >>
AGCO Crop Tour Plots Underway
Now in its third year, the AGCO®Crop Tour™ is bigger than ever, adding on-farm trials in three more states to further knowledge of the interactions among plants, soil and equipment. Sign up now to attend a Crop Tour event near you in August. Read More >>
See these articles and more in the Summer 2018 issue of Performance Agronomy—they’re all on our website at