My experience as AGCO‘s Africa Ambassador at Africa Summit 2015

Written by: Jean Kaahwa, AGCO Africa Ambassador 2015 On the night of 16th January 2015, I said warm goodbyes to my immediate family and they wished me all the best in Berlin, Germany. As I set off to the airport...

My experience as AGCO‘s Africa Ambassador at Africa Summit 2015

Written by: Jean Kaahwa, AGCO Africa Ambassador 2015 On the night of 16th January 2015, I said warm goodbyes to my immediate family and they wished me all the best in Berlin, Germany. As I set off to the airport...

Written by: Jean Kaahwa, AGCO Africa Ambassador 2015

AGCO Africa Summit 2015On the night of 16th January 2015, I said warm goodbyes to my immediate family and they wished me all the best in Berlin, Germany. As I set off to the airport I kept having flashbacks of my journey in the agriculture sector from the time when I was dreaming of turning that idle swamp into a productive fish farm, how the dream materialized, my growth in the agribusiness sector and eventually heading to Berlin as AGCO‘s Africa Ambassador for 2015.

I travelled from Uganda via Istanbul and was received warmly by a gentleman in Berlin. I was amazed at the beauty and scenery of the city that met me. At the hotel I bumped into Sue Musunga Chuzu, who was AGCO‘s first Africa Ambassador in 2012, and I immediately felt at home.

I later met the warm and friendly AGCO team and AGCO Africa Ambassador 2014, Joy Jelimo Chelagat as well. Joy and I toured Berlin together the next day and also visited the Africa Summit venue.

On the morning of the 4th AGCO Africa Summit I was nervous. However, I received some encouraging words from Mr. Nuradin Osman, Managing Director Africa and Middle East of AGCO, and Dr. Amrita Cheema, one of the moderators of the conference, just before the program started.

Looking at the conference agenda made me feel like I had to listen to every word spoken as I found the topics and presentations practical, applicable and contextual for the smallholder farmers like me in Africa.

I felt honored to meet African icon leaders like HE Joachim Chissano, Former President of the Republic of Mozambique, and HE Sir Ketumile Masire, Former President of the Republic of Botswana. In my home area, every soda is called a Pepsi cola and likewise every tractor is called a Massey Ferguson. Meeting Martin Richenhagen, Chairman, President and CEO of AGCO, the company responsible for this celebrated machine, was a great experience.AGCO Africa Ambassador

Being part of a number of farmer groups and associations, I learnt a lot from the presentations and discussions showing successful agribusiness models and operations – some of which I am already incorporating in my enterprises and farmer circles.

I left Berlin a happy soul being very optimistic of Africa’s future, as I believe such sustainable initiatives are the way forward for the continent.

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