National Farm Safety and Health Week

National Farm Safety and Health Week is the week of September 16th. What a great time to talk about safety on your farm. Have you ever had a close call on your farm? Something that could have ended very differently. How...

National Farm Safety and Health Week

National Farm Safety and Health Week is the week of September 16th. What a great time to talk about safety on your farm. Have you ever had a close call on your farm? Something that could have ended very differently. How...

National Farm Safety and Health Week is the week of September 16th. What a great time to talk about safety on your farm.

Have you ever had a close call on your farm? Something that could have ended very differently. How many of you know a family member, friend, or neighbor who got hurt working on a farm? Do any of you have the heavy heart that comes from knowing someone who died on the farm? Most farmers will point out their scars and tell the story of their close call(s) amongst each other. Usually in context, they’re no more than stories with a plot line, a climax, and hopefully – a happy ending. Very real people become characters in a tale. This week, tell your story. The whole story. How much worse could it have been? How much was the hospital bill? How much time did you miss working? How much money did you lose as a result of the lost production? How did getting hurt impact your family, your kids? And most importantly Did you change anything because of it? Make it personal, because the person listening needs to know it’s more than just a story. You’re real. Accidents… are real. And sometimes, they’re preventable. September 16-22 is National Farm Safety and Health Week. Use your story to tell at least two others about farm safety this week and share them on Twitter using #FSHW12 and Facebook.

*This post was submitted by Tracy Schlater, Marketing Director from Farm Safety 4 Just Kids


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