Children on the Farm

On the farm, it is always important to lead by example. Young children rely on guardians to supervise their activities to help develop an understanding of what dangers are and how to avoid them. Do you think that your children...

Children on the Farm

On the farm, it is always important to lead by example. Young children rely on guardians to supervise their activities to help develop an understanding of what dangers are and how to avoid them. Do you think that your children...

On the farm, it is always important to lead by example. Young children rely on guardians to supervise their activities to help develop an understanding of what dangers are and how to avoid them. Do you think that your children are old enough to fully understand potential dangers on the farm? Think again.

Children on the Farm

Progressive Ag Foundation Safety Days

  • Question: Most four- and five-year-old’s understand that one action leads to another, that behavior has consequences. True or false?
  • Answer: False. As children grow, they go through a series of developmental stages. While physical changes are obvious, mental and emotional changes are difficult. Preschool children are developmentally unable to clearly understand cause and affect relationships. They should be supervised carefully and be provided with safe distractions. They need physical barriers, such as fences, gates and locks to keep them away from danger. No one, especially pre-school children, should be allowed to ride on machinery.

This farm safety tip is provided by the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day® program.  Safety should be a part of every child’s curriculum. For information on how you can keep your child safe and healthy on the farm, ranch and at home, or to HELP US KEEP KIDS SAFE ON THE FARM, go to To view a complete list of Progressive Agriculture Safety Days taking place in 2011, visit

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