AGCO Employees Making a Difference

The following post was submitted by Jo Herian at AGCO’s Beloit, Kansas facility: AGCO’s core values include Team Spirit and Accountability.  These values are never more evident than at AGCO’s Beloit and Cawker City, Kansas, USA facilities before the annual...

AGCO Employees Making a Difference

The following post was submitted by Jo Herian at AGCO’s Beloit, Kansas facility: AGCO’s core values include Team Spirit and Accountability.  These values are never more evident than at AGCO’s Beloit and Cawker City, Kansas, USA facilities before the annual...

The following post was submitted by Jo Herian at AGCO’s Beloit, Kansas facility:

AGCO’s core values include Team Spirit and Accountability.  These values are never more evident than at AGCO’s Beloit and Cawker City, Kansas, USA facilities before the annual ‘Relay for Life’ fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.

AGCO employees support Relay for Life

AGCO employees in Beloit, Kansas support Relay for Life

Our Sunflower team has supported the Relay for Life for more than fifteen consecutive years.  Funds raised do not come from the community nor the company, but from the pockets of AGCO’s 300 employees.  Over the past five years, the average amount contributed is $5,500 (USD) and they are on target to exceed that goal this year!

Whenever possible, FUN goes into the FUNdraisers. This year Kirk Cool, AGCO Supervisor, has agreed to cut his hard-earned ponytail for ‘Locks of Love’ if the goal in the “hair fund” is met.  Scissors are ready!

Spaghetti meals, bake sales, motorcycle poker runs, homemade quilts and tickets to major league baseball games have all encouraged employee generosity.  One of the most popular prizes is a designated Relay for Life parking spot.

Monies for the American Cancer Society count in the fight against cancer.  But what really counts is the heart of AGCO Sunflower employees who give of their time and money because they BELIEVE.  They believe one day cancer can be controlled and there can be more birthdays.

Does your community support Relay for Life? How do you get people engaged?

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