Happy Birthday to the AGCO Blog

Can you believe that it was one year ago today that we first launched the AGCO Blog?! Happy birthday to us! As “Your Agriculture Company”, we truly pride ourselves on bringing you relevant, useful and interesting information everyday on the...

Happy Birthday to the AGCO Blog

Can you believe that it was one year ago today that we first launched the AGCO Blog?! Happy birthday to us! As “Your Agriculture Company”, we truly pride ourselves on bringing you relevant, useful and interesting information everyday on the...

Can you believe that it was one year ago today that we first launched the AGCO Blog?! Happy birthday to us! As “Your Agriculture Company”, we truly pride ourselves on bringing you relevant, useful and interesting information everyday on the blog. We have come a long way in such a short time: we completely re-vamped the blog back in January to provide a better user experience for YOU, we now have over 10 active bloggers from around the world providing a better wealth of content. We have also made it easier for you to read our posts by offering brand-specific RSS feeds. I share with you below, my five favorite posts from last year:

Sue and Jamy

A Flashback photo from our introductory blog post one year ago!

1. “Diver Discovers Sunken Massey Ferguson Treasure” because who doesn’t love a little mystery and some sunken treasure?! This has also been our most popular post, being visited bymore people than any other post.

2. Rapping Farmers: the Official Video – I’m still singing it – “Yeo Valley, Yeo Valley!”

3. The Cow Goes “Tweet” Besides the obviously clever title,  I just love the post because it is a creative way for a farmer to get the message out about his farm. Way to be interactive!

4. A Story of Love and Loyalty to the Brand – we received so many tractor-in-wedding stories after this post that I am working on this year’s edition as a follow-up ASAP.

5. Kayla Ferris’ Blog Contest Entry was a great representation of how hard farmer’s work and what it is like to be a farmer’s wife. As a matter of fact, I loved all of Kayla’s “Farm Life Lessons“.

What were some of your favorite posts? Do you have story ideas you would like us to research and write about?

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