Play Valtra’s Tractor Customization Game and Win
Valtra has launched a new version of its popular “Tune my tractor” game. The new game comes with tons of updated fun features and accessories which you can use to design your own individual Valtra tractor. Now you can also...
Play Valtra’s Tractor Customization Game and Win
Valtra has launched a new version of its popular “Tune my tractor” game. The new game comes with tons of updated fun features and accessories which you can use to design your own individual Valtra tractor. Now you can also...
Play & Win
Valtra tractors are renowned for being customized according to their owner’s requirements and creativity. In honour of Valtra’s 60th anniversary, your creativity will be awarded. Every month a jury will choose the best tuned tractors and the winner will be rewarded with great Valtra prizes.
Join us, design your individual Valtra and share your creations with your friends and us. Access the game and competition details here