2500 Ways to Grow Farm Communities

Check out the cool video below by the Monsanto Fund that demonstrates compelling facts about Rural America. Find out also what kind of impact $2,500 could have on your local community. The America’s Farmers Grow Communities Project is a program...

2500 Ways to Grow Farm Communities

Check out the cool video below by the Monsanto Fund that demonstrates compelling facts about Rural America. Find out also what kind of impact $2,500 could have on your local community. The America’s Farmers Grow Communities Project is a program...

Check out the cool video below by the Monsanto Fund that demonstrates compelling facts about Rural America. Find out also what kind of impact $2,500 could have on your local community.

The America’s Farmers Grow Communities Project is a program sponsored by the Monsanto Fund to support local farming communities. The program allows farmers to register to win $2,500 for their favorite community charity. It only takes about two minutes to apply for those farmers residing in one of 1,204 eligible counties in 38 states.

For every farmer who applies, Monsanto will donate $1 to their local United Way to help food banks, food pantries, Meals On Wheels and other charitable organizations dealing with hunger in their respective county. Source: Monsanto ~ America’s Farmers Grow Communities Project Overview

Are there any programs like this in your country/region? How would your community put the $2,500 to work?

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