Farming App for Smartphones

Been waiting around for a farming app for your smart phone? Well it’s here: One of the biggest challenges each farmer faces is decisions related to marketing his grain and how those decisions will affect his bottom line. Farmer’s Partner™...

Farming App for Smartphones

Been waiting around for a farming app for your smart phone? Well it’s here: One of the biggest challenges each farmer faces is decisions related to marketing his grain and how those decisions will affect his bottom line. Farmer’s Partner™...

Been waiting around for a farming app for your smart phone? Well it’s here:

One of the biggest challenges each farmer faces is decisions related to marketing his grain and how those decisions will affect his bottom line. Farmer’s Partner™ Android app for agriculture enables the farmer to calculate profitability based on where the grain markets are currently trading and to see how higher or lower grain markets will change his bottom line and his agribusiness.

“Farmers are known for being early adaptors of new technology,” says Heartland Farm Partners President Jeff Peterson. “But a few months ago when we looked for a smart phone app to help top producers manage their operation from their mobile phone, we were surprised there simply weren’t any apps designed for agriculture. So we decided to build one.”

Farmer’s Partner runs on Android phones and enables a farmer to input dozens of variables to create a complete overview of the farm operation. Commodities pricing and breaking news are also built into the app, giving the producer both historic and up-to-date information to allow him to make the best decisions on grain marketing. Farmer’s Partner is available through the Android marketplace.” Source: Farmer’s Partner First Smartphone App Created Specifically for Today’s Farmer

You can click the image to download this Farmer’s Partner app for the Android from their site. What are some cool gadgets that you use to help you farm efficiently?

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