
I’m Sue [the one on the left] and we’re thrilled to launch the blog. Agriculture is a strong community-oriented industry and a perfect fit for social media. Farmers are not competitive, but quick to help each other. I have early memories...


I’m Sue [the one on the left] and we’re thrilled to launch the blog. Agriculture is a strong community-oriented industry and a perfect fit for social media. Farmers are not competitive, but quick to help each other. I have early memories...

I’m Sue [the one on the left] and we’re thrilled to launch the blog. Agriculture is a strong community-oriented industry and a perfect fit for social media. Farmers are not competitive, but quick to help each other. I have early memories of lots of neighbors helping build our cattle shed. Today’s Facebook-YouTube-Blogger sites are becoming the modern-day equivalent of helping neighbors. Farmers visiting these sites help extend agriculture knowledge across the worldwide landscape, offering a helping hand of advice, information, pictures, comments, experiences to global neighbors.

Agriculture marketing started for me at a young age. As Regional Dairy Princess (or affectionately known as “Miss Cow” by my friends) I handed out sample ice cream cones at county fairs to promote dairy products. After college I worked with the 4-H rural youth education program, then migrated to farm equipment, working for a manufacturer helping customers get their tractors or combines fixed or locating parts and paint colors for heritage restorers. I then took a hiatus from ag to work in marketing at Apple. Now I am back in the industry I love, using the marketing concepts I have learned along the way to give back to farming.

Working with me is Jamy. She joined us eight months ago from Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina where she majored in Communication Studies. Jamy grew up on a small hobby farm in Florida where they drove Massey Ferguson tractors. Little did she know that one day she would be working for the company who manufactures them! Combining her marketing and agriculture backgrounds, she is on board with advocating agriculture through our social media channels.

So, from a farm gal who still enjoys plowing in the spring, raking hay in the summer and driving the grain truck in the fall (face it– milking cows in Minnesota winters isn’t going to rank high on my list of favorite farm memories), we are glad you have joined us here on the blog. We invite you to share your thoughts, your advice, and your experiences. Tell your friends. Ask us questions, we’ll do our best to find the answers for you.

What are some of your favorite childhood memories on the farm?
What memories are you creating for your children to build your agricultural legacy?

Sue Otten – Director, Corporate Marketing & Brand Communications
Jamy Johnson – Coordinator, Corporate Marketing

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