The World’s Longest Yacht Race – Heather’s Update 8

Wind Hole Not a golf hole. A wind hole. We were cruising along and we all hit it. We were in the lead, and it was disheartening to see almost all of the rest of the fleet come within sight...

The World’s Longest Yacht Race – Heather’s Update 8

Wind Hole Not a golf hole. A wind hole. We were cruising along and we all hit it. We were in the lead, and it was disheartening to see almost all of the rest of the fleet come within sight...

Wind Hole
Not a golf hole. A wind hole. We were cruising along and we all hit it. We were in the lead, and it was disheartening to see almost all of the rest of the fleet come within sight distance today. But we’re moving steadily along to the scoring gate between Cuba and Haiti, currently in 2nd position. We are working hard to move forward, together.
Actual conversation: “My hair is wet and just won’t dry out.” “That’s grease.” “Oh.”
Along with our wind hole came a chance for deck showers, first since we left for Panama, and it was lovely. Below deck is quite warm, and I am more thankful than I can say for a functioning fan…let’s hope my stockpile of batteries last me for just a while longer until we get far enough north.
Other news:
While our boat was effectively parked in the wind hole, we saw some yellow-fin tuna actually swimming around the boat! They were magnificent! Stuart and the other fishing fanatics hopped on the chance to throw a line in, and we will have fresh fish for dinner tonight!!! I’ve overcome my seasickness for the most part…but then again it could simply be that we are not sailing at a severe angle at the moment. Living on a boat is not easy, and that is just one of the numerous physical challenges we must face.
Off I go from the smelly underbelly of the Big Blue Canoe to the deck for fresh tuna for dinner…Mmmm…

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