Youth in Agriculture Make a Difference

I am continually amazed at the power and impact young leaders have these days. Here’s a story of a group of like-minded college men and women, working together through their interest in careers related to the agriculture, food or fiber...

Youth in Agriculture Make a Difference

I am continually amazed at the power and impact young leaders have these days. Here’s a story of a group of like-minded college men and women, working together through their interest in careers related to the agriculture, food or fiber...

I am continually amazed at the power and impact young leaders have these days. Here’s a story of a group of like-minded college men and women, working together through their interest in careers related to the agriculture, food or fiber industries, who are really making a difference. Their efforts not only support their local community, but are having an impact around the world.

Hello, my name is Sean Donegan, I am the Director of Philanthropy for the Alpha Gamma Rho Chapter at Cornell University, the premier Agriculture College in New York. Weare a National Fraternity that takes a particular pride in our affiliation to agriculture and the life sciences. On March 1st The Brothers of Alpha Gamma Rho enlisted the help of the Sisters of Alpha Phi, as well as the Men’s and Women’s Varsity Hockey Teams, to host a Philanthropy Skate Night.

AGR and Alpha Phi Cornell

Sean (far left) with brothers and sisters of Alpha Gamma Rho & Alpha Phi, Cornell University

Skate Night,held at Lynah Rink was open to the public and was advertised through  Facebook, Tri-Council fraternity communications and the Dean’s Office. Skate Night  participants paid $5 to rent a pair of skates and spent the duration of the event skating with members of the Men’s Hockey Team.

Made possibly by a sponsorship by AGCO, Skate Night was so successful we had to politely ask the over 400 participants to please make their skates available to others as we repeatedly ran out of skates. This is the second year AGR has put this event on growing in size substantially thanks in part to AGCO’s support.

The “AGR-Alpha Phi Skate Night” benefits Bridges to Community, a non-profit community development organization that aids public health initiatives in the Third World.  AGR holds a unique bond with this organization, as we send a Brother on a service trip every Spring Break to aid in their service of building public health facilities, such as hospitals. This year, Alpha Gamma Rho was able to raise nearly $2,700, a substantial increase from our $300 last year,  for an extremely worthy cause. I hope in the years to come our event will become a legacy that will continue to benefit the impoverished members of the Third World that Bridges to Community works so valiantly to protect.

Do you know any young ag leaders who are making a difference in your community?  What do you do to support and encourage their efforts?

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